What I’ve Been Reading

A home-made apple pie.

My mother-in-law made apple pie with Sprout last weekend. But doesn’t it look hilariously angry?

We’ve been running on not much around here, between the start of preschool, potty training, lack of naps, and teething (not all the same kid, obviously). Lately, I’ve been reading about getting kids outside, how to raise kind children, and badass women.

But before the posts, in case you missed it, all of the Outdoors Family Challenge posts are now linked to on a single page! Even if you didn’t have the chance to participate, it’s available any time for reference and fun.

Emphasizing hard work is way healthier than telling a kid how “smart” they are.

“You always remember your first bike.” My first two-wheeler was hot pink and glorious.

I’m riding for my children, to show them that it’s possible to stand up for what you believe in and do what you can in the face of something as daunting as climate change.” Check out Mothers Out Front, one of the climate change groups supported by the Climate Ride!

Sandi at Happy Science Mom writes about the power of awe, backed up by some great research. It warms my social science geek heart.

Want to raise good kids? Of course! Some simple but sometimes challenging ways to do so, based on research from Harvard. And here are some great ways to teach kindness.

I was enthused to see this article supporting banning homework show up on the Twitter feed of my son’s future elementary school.

The fact that the most accurate depiction of a dinosaur ever looks like a critter from The Land Before Time cracks me up.

Getting outside is so essential, but not always easy. Some tips on encouraging reluctant partners to spend time outdoors, reflections on how outdoor activities are always more than “just hiking,” and facts on how getting dirty is essential for your child’s immune system.

The article title sadly says it all: US Teens Often Forced to Trade Sex Work for Food, Study Finds. Relatedly, court costs are dragging impoverished, non-white teens down and down and down.

More now than ever, we need lots of badass women. Thankfully, there have been a few in the news:

Of course it’s in Berkeley. Nonetheless, these teens that saved their school garden and expanded it into a catering company are awesome.

In case you missed it, I wrote about why I didn’t make a sign for my son’s first day of preschool, surviving a wedding with a three-year-old, and the first six months of my younger son’s life.

For more articles and photos throughout the week, check out my FacebookTwitter and Instagram!


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