The Book: Growing Sustainable Together

It can be hard to fit “green living” in with the necessities of modern parenting. You can do 100 things right, but still the trappings of 21st-century life–the waste, the consumerism, the plastic junk–invariably find their way home. So how can you raise kind, balanced, responsible kids, all while doing it sustainably?

Drawing from cutting-edge social science research, parent interviews, and experiential wisdom, Growing Sustainable Together: Practical Resources for Raising Kind, Engaged, Resilient Children shows how green living and great parenting go hand in hand to teach kids kindness, compassion, resilience, and grit…all while giving them the lifelong tools they need to be successful, engaged, and independent. The book is packed with easy tips, expert parenting advice, and practical hands-on activities for the toddler years up through the early teens. Each chapter includes a “what to know” section that breaks down core sustainability knowledge on topics ranging from anti-consumerist values to environmental activism.

The books is now available anywhere you buy books, including your local bookstore, Barnes and Noble, and Microcosm Publishing.

You can also check out a preview of some of the activities in the book, including how to start seeds with kids for a garden.

If you would like to contact me (Shannon) for an event in the greater Washington D.C. area or online, please email her at welleatyouupweloveyouso at gmail dot com.