Finding Our Family’s Role in the Story of Environmental Justice

Text: Finding Our Family's Role in the Story of Environmental Justice; Photos: Cover of the book We Are Water Protectors; photograph of a person with a Water is Life patch pinned on their sweatshirt

“But how does the story end?” my older son asked.

We had just finished reading We Are Water Protectors, a powerful picture book written from the perspective of an Anishinaabe girl. She talks about how her people regard water as life and how a “big black snake” threatens the water and therefore them. While the book never names what the “snake” is, the pictures clue the reader in – it’s an oil pipeline. Like many real-life young people like Autumn Peltier, the narrator is an Indigenous water protector committed to halting water from becoming polluted with death instead of life.

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Making Meaning in the Midst of Crisis

Title: Making Meaning in the Midst of Crisis; Picture: Heart made up of multi-colored hands

Big world events – like COVID-19 (coronavirus) and climate change – can drive us to despair. I’ve semi-seriously joked that my anxiety about climate change has at least prepared me for this outbreak. But I’ve also learned that there are a couple of ways to react to these big world events, some of which are mentally and emotionally healthier than others.

In a study by a Swedish University that I found in my book research, researchers found that teenagers reacted to climate change in three ways: “emotion-focused,” “problem-focused,” and “meaning-focused.”

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The One Question All Privileged Parents Should Ask at School Meetings

Text: The One Question All Privileged Parents Should Ask at School Meetings Photo: "Focus 2: Facility utilization / School diversity / Proximity on left side and Objectives: Understand --- diversity and why it is important; Understand the range of socioeconomic and demographic dissimilarity across clusters. Diversity includes demographic diversity as well as socioeconomic diversity."

The exact numbers weren’t easy to read, but the graph lines showing the poll results were clear – the majority of the folks at the public meeting were white. Looking around the packed high school cafeteria confirmed that fact.

My mind returned to the graph we had seen a few moments earlier. In bright colors, it laid out the racial make-up of the students in my kids’ school district: 28% white, 31% Hispanic, 22% Black, 15% Asian, and 5% “other.”


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Talking to My Son About Refugees and Justice for Immigrants

Photo: Protest sign saying "Refugees are human beings" Text: "Talking to My Son About Refugees and Justice for Immigrants"

“What is it? Please tell me,” my six year old asked, his eyes wide.

“No, it’s too sad,” I replied. I had been telling my husband about news involving the Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids to deport undocumented immigrants. My speaking in veiled terms sparked my son’s interest. Telling him it was too sad for him only fueled his curiosity more.

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