Relying on the Village in Parenting

Relying on the Village in Parenting; photo of a white boy in a red kayak on a lake

I opened and closed my mouth trying not to say anything to my younger son. Finally, I just had to. “No, not like that!” I cried, as our kayak started moving backwards. I sighed and thought, “I thought he knew how to do this?!”

My younger son was sitting in front of me in a red double kayak. I was attempting to leave shore. He dipped one side of his paddle in the water, then dipped it on the same side again, and then dragged it backwards on the surface.

“Take your paddle out!” I yelled. I struggled to figure out how to explain the sixteen different things he needed to fix, all at the same time. I tried to start with something concrete.

“Ah, ah, your hands, your hands need to be spaced the same amount apart. Can you spread them out?” I stammered as I paddled, trying to keep us from running into another boat or going backwards. As he fixed his hands, I replied, “Yes, like that.” Then thought, “Or not,” as his hands shifted exactly back to where they were before. And then his paddle was going backwards again. “Ack, no, stop paddling!”

My husband, Chris, spotted our flailing. My older son was in his kayak and while his form wasn’t perfect, he had done it before and was remembering the rhythm. My husband was in a good place to provide a metaphorical hand.

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What if I’m a Mermaid?

What if I'm a Mermaid? Photo of a white woman in a bathing suit sitting in the sand with two white children in bathing suits

My mom leaned in conspiratorially to my small, little girl face. “I’m a mermaid, you know,” she told me, smiling. I gazed up at her in amazement. Could she really be? But no. Mermaids aren’t real. But maybe? Just maybe. “Really?” I asked. She just raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

Splash, splash, flip, flip.

Waist-deep in the shallow end of the town pool, I yelled, “Look at my trick, Daddy!” Once he turned around, I dove into the water and did a front handspring. He smiled and clapped. I could never do that trick in gymnastics class. But in the water? In the water, I could do anything.

Splash, splash, kick, kick.

Gazing down at the bottom of the YMCA pool, my teenage self pushed my chest up and filled my lungs with air. I plunged my head back down, shoved the water away, kicked my legs, and repeated the process, over and over. On land, I tripped over myself and didn’t notice where I was going. In the water, I felt sleek, powerful. I had the potential to be graceful. To be like a dolphin, my favorite animal. My swim team times never came close to the speed I felt in my head. But they weren’t what mattered to me. The water mattered.

Splash, splash, stroke, stroke.

“What if I’m a mermaid in those jeans of hers with her name still on it?” I sang along to Tori Amos’ cry in the song Silent All These Years. I had never been in an awful relationship like the song’s narrator. But in my almost 20 years, I knew well what it was like to be ignored, alone in a room full of people. I had just extricated myself from a social group I had dedicated a year of my life to, only for them to treat me like shit. Exclude me, talk behind my back, make fun of me right to my face. So I left. But now I was alone and uncertain. So I sang. I kept singing that song, in different ways. And bad times became better.

Splash, splash, dive, dive.

“I’m going to go bodysurf!” I declared to my kids and husband, running off to the surf before anyone could yell to me that they needed something. I waded up to my chest in the cold water of Cape Cod, feeling the small waves lap against me. I waited and waited. Finally, a big one. I dove into it and tried to swim. Instead, the wave tossed me under. My knees hit the sand and my mouth filled with water. Struggling to my feet, I spit out the water and laughed. I pushed back through the water and waited. This time, I was certain I could bond with the wave, get in tune with it rather than fighting it.
Splash, splash, wade, wade.
“You’re a mermaid!” my younger son declared, as we played in the town pool. He pointed to my chest and I looked down. “So I am!” I exclaimed as I noticed that I was, in fact, covered in iridescent scales. They were the pattern on my bathing suit, but still. Who could argue with the obvious evidence?
I thought back to a few weeks before when he had told me, “You’re the Tooth Fairy and Daddy is your backup.” He was about to lose his first tooth and he had already figured it out! But watching his face, I saw that fact didn’t change a bit of the magic. We were all magical already. With some words and game dice, I could become a druid who turns into different animals or a magical engineer with a robot dinosaur. In his imagination, he could be a three-headed Cerberus puppy or a giant monster kitty or an elephant. Even in real life, to him, I could explain the biggest stars and the smallest particles, keep him safe, grow vegetables from mere dirt and water, play tag (almost) endlessly, and listen to his many theories of what the video game character Kirby could eat.
So of course I could be a fairy. Or for that matter, a mermaid. Of course.
And what if he’s right? What if my mom is a mermaid, but I didn’t really know what that meant? What if I am too – and always was? What if?

Teaching My Kids Interdependence Instead of Independence

Teaching My Kids Interdependence Instead of Independence; photo of a kid climbing a rock-climbing wall and almost being at the top

Smearing sunscreen on my face at the pool, I realized it was just me and my older son. My husband had already taken our younger son to the water.

“Hey, how does my face look?” I asked him. Rather than giving me a silly answer, he looked thoughtfully at it and said, “There’s some near your hair.”

Now, I could have looked at the selfie setting on my phone, but I’m glad I didn’t. That’s because I don’t want to teach my children independence. I want to teach them interdependence.

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Finding Wonder in the Smallest of Creatures

Finding Wonder in the Smallest of Creatures; A squirrel standing on the trunk of a tree, ready to jump

Processing the name tag of the person standing at my table at the local book festival, I had an ah-ha moment. “I think my kids are going to go to see you talk later today!” I exclaimed to her,. “You wrote the elephant book, right?”

She smiled and nodded. “That’s why I stopped by your table – the elephant sign,” she said, gesturing at the sign that said “Protect Elephants from Climate Change” sitting next to a stack of my books. My younger son had made it a few weeks before for a climate change rally. It seemed like an appropriate decoration to accompany an environmental parenting advice book.

“But you know what?” she added, leaning in conspiratorially. “Everyone thinks elephants are my favorite animal because I wrote a book about them. But they’re not. Squirrels are.”

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Letting Go of Control So Our Kids Can Have It

Letting Go of Control So Our Kids Can Have It; Photo of a young boy running along a stone walkway towards a stone arch with trees over it

“I can’t get the bike lock open!” My older son came up to me with the keys to my bike lock in his hand. He was supposed to be unlocking his bike from the rack at school.

“Uh, just make sure you put it in carefully. It’s kind of fussy. Why don’t you try again?” I said.

“Hahaha, I was just tricking you!” he said. I sighed. He went back to the bike.

A couple minutes later, he was back again. “I really can’t open it. It’s really stuck.”

“Uh, okay, I can help then.”

As I started walking towards the bike, he laughed and said, “I got you again!”

Cue me looking at the non-existent camera in my life, like I’m a sitcom character.

“Ha ha. Yep, you definitely got me. Go unlock your bike, please.”

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Being a Good Parent Means Relying on Community

Being a Good Parent Means Relying on Community; photo of a white boy looking at a museum display labeled "The A B Cs of Abolitionists"

“Hey, where are you going?” my friend Randi called after my younger son. My kid was wandering away without telling anyone, as he has a tendency to do.

My head jerked that way, suddenly realizing that she was the only one who had eyes on him. I had been absorbed in conversation with her husband, Drew, one of my oldest friends and someone I hadn’t seen in person in years.

Shame and fear flooded my brain. What if she hadn’t been watching? How far would he have gotten? We were at the National Museum of American History, so it would have been easy for him to just disappear. I should have seen him before she did! Wouldn’t have a good mom noticed that earlier?

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How My Kids and I Connected Over Video Game Music

How My Kids and I Connected Over Video Game Music; logo of the 8-Bit Big Band, which is written in retro video-game font with controller icons on the sides

My kids love video games. Really, really love them. In particular, my older son is intensely into Mario Bros games. Classic, new – if it’s Mario, he loves it.

I like video games. I enjoy them and was hard-core into a couple of computer games as a kid, but I’d usually prefer to read a book or watch a movie.

But one thing my kids and I all have in common is a love of music. In fact, a need for music. None of us do well with silence. If things are too quiet, the kids will drive each other (and me) to despair by competing to make noises or sing loudly.

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The Challenges and Necessity of Positive Parenting

The Challenges and Necessity of Positive Parenting; photo of a man in a red winter coat next to a kid with a blue winter coat and hat standing next to a stream with a small waterfall with bare trees in the background

Positive parenting – or gentle parenting or conscious parenting – is hard.

It’s hard being patient and kind and demonstrating good listening skills. It’s hard relating to these little people who have such different perspectives as us but also remind us of the characteristics that we ourselves struggle with the most. It’s hard having positive healthy relationships with the people you love the most that you’re also responsible for guiding towards adulthood. It’s hard when you have to push back against what so much of society labels as “good kids” or “good parenting.” It’s hard when the world takes so much out of us and leaves so little left for our children.

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