I May Be Brave to be Sustainable – But I Shouldn’t Have to Be

I May Be Brave to be Sustainable - But I Shouldn't Have to Be; Photo of a number of bikes - bike share, bikes with kids' seats, cargo bikes - parked on bike racks outside a park with a playground

“You’re so brave,” said a woman on the sidewalk as I pedaled by her slowly. Her words came right on the heels of me tearing into my older son about not screwing around while biking in the road. (He was riding so slowly I was almost crashing into him and swerving.) “Uh, thanks?” I stammered, not sure what else to say.

While I didn’t have much to respond in the moment, the comment stuck with me. Brave? What did she mean by that?

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Climate Action for Tired People: A Toolkit and Quiz for Parents and Others

Photo of a group gathered for a climate march with signs saying they need your action now, save our future, etc.

Are you a tired person? (Probably – if you’re reading my blog, you’re probably a parent or somehow responsible for small kids.) Do you want to take action on climate change? (Even if you don’t, you should!) If both of these things – or neither – apply to you, be sure to check out the Climate Action for Tired People: A Toolkit and Quiz for Parents and Others! Developed by climate communicator and therapist Kate Schapira in collaboration with me, it helps you figure out where you fit in the climate justice movement and how to use your skills effectively.

How We Can Engage Kids to Build a Better World

How We Can Engage Kids to Build a Better World; Image description: Photo of two white girls with dar hair leaning over a table with a blue tablecloth, drawing pictures in marker, with the book Growing Sustainable Together above the paper

Under the little girl’s steady hand before me, I saw a world emerging. A world that’s more environmentally and socially sustainable, powered by solar panels and windmills, with lots of ways to get around besides cars. All laid out there in marker.

This was just one of many amazing examples I got when I asked kids to envision their ideal city. I did two different book promotion events – one at a spring festival at our local nature center and one at a book festival – and had this visioning activity to engage kids walking by. (It’s the activity in the last chapter of my book!)

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On Shootings and Protecting Our Kids

On Shootings and Protecting Our Kids; Photo of a young white boy running down a sidewalk with cars parked in front of him

Two small heads, one brown-haired, one baby-blond turning brown. Both buried in books, racking up minutes for their school’s Read-A-Thon. Two bodies, snuggled on the couch, not arguing or bouncing. A rare moment where they’re both still.

I blink.

Images of crying parents and classmates next to a brick wall. Outside of an elementary school. Police tape and sirens. News headlines.

My breath catches.

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What I Learned About Making My Kids’ School More Environmentally Sustainable

What I Learned About Making My Kids' School More Environmental; photo of kids standing in front of a desk with a teacher behind the desk and a paper-mache dragon behind her

“31 students, that’s pretty good, considering the weather!” I breathed a sigh of relief looking at the sign-in sheet for our school’s first Bike to School Day. It wasn’t torrential rain, but I was worried that even the gray drizzle would be enough to warn people off. But we had a full bike rack and a number of happy kids with Safe Routes to School goodie bags.

The event was a result of a few months of direct work, but even more organizing time before that. This was the first year I had truly been involved in organizing at my kids’ school. Even though I wrote in my book about how to make your kids’ school more environmentally friendly, it was all based on expert interviews, not personal experience.

In working with our school and school district this year, I learned quite a few things first-hand about general advocacy in schools and bike advocacy specifically.

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How Square Dancing, Peanut Butter, and Tea Helped Me Talk to My Kids About Anti-Semitism and Racism

How Square Dancing, Peanut Butter, and Tea Helped Me Talk to My Kids about Anti-Semitism and Racism; a photo of a can of peanut butter and a box of tea

I started telling my husband something, but like always, my kids were listening. My kids are always listening, unless it involves something we need them to do.

I was telling my husband about how I had answered a question on Facebook – one that the original poster probably meant as a hypothetical. I said, “So they asked, ‘Why did we all have to learn square dancing?’ It was probably meant as a joke, but I replied – in all seriousness – “Because of racism and anti-Semitism.”

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