“I can’t get the bike lock open!” My older son came up to me with the keys to my bike lock in his hand. He was supposed to be unlocking his bike from the rack at school.
“Uh, just make sure you put it in carefully. It’s kind of fussy. Why don’t you try again?” I said.
“Hahaha, I was just tricking you!” he said. I sighed. He went back to the bike.
A couple minutes later, he was back again. “I really can’t open it. It’s really stuck.”
“Uh, okay, I can help then.”
As I started walking towards the bike, he laughed and said, “I got you again!”
Cue me looking at the non-existent camera in my life, like I’m a sitcom character.
“Ha ha. Yep, you definitely got me. Go unlock your bike, please.”