Celebrating the Launch of a Book and the Birth of a Child

Title: Celebrating the Launch of a Book and the Birth of a Child; Picture: Cover of Growing Sustainable Together, which has people of various ethnicities doing "green" activities

Writing a book is a lot like birthing a baby. Both require huge amounts of work to bring into the world. Both have unending unpredictabilities and surprises. Both are deep works of love.

And today, I’m celebrating both. It’s my book release day for Growing Sustainable Together: Practical Resources for Raising Kind, Engaged Resilient Children and the anniversary of my older son’s birth.

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Guest article at Scary Mommy: Why I Don’t Protect My Kids From Bad News

The story that opens this essay was so heartbreaking! My kids are usually okay with death, but dead parents are a whole different thing.

Screenshot of Scary Mommy, title "Why I Don't Protect My Kids from Bad News"

Here’s the first few paragraphs:

My two-year-old’s face was blank. Then it curved down into the slightest of frowns, as he stared at the open magazine’s page. As he’s usually a very expressive kid, I had never seen this look before.

But then, I had never read a line in a story quite like that: “This baby skunk lost its mother.”

Read the rest at Scary Mommy!

Guest Article at Sierra Magazine: Indigenous Activist and Cancer Survivor Works for a Just Transition

Sierra Magazine was one of my dream publications to write for and Kandi Mossett is a complete badass, so I was so glad to profile her for them.

Screenshot from Sierra Magazine with title "Indigenous Activist and Cancer Survivor Works for a Just Transition" with photo of a Native American woman standing on the side of a dirt road

In 1999, Kandi Mossett found a purple-red, pea-size lump on her stomach and immediately suspected cancer. She was 20 years old. For Native Americans on the Fort Berthold reservation in North Dakota, cancer is a fact of life.

Read the rest over at Sierra Magazine!

Guest Post at Ravishly: Why I Brought My Kids to a Political Protest

I brought my kids to the People’s Climate March a couple of years ago and I’m likely to again, especially with the youth climate movement ramping up. I wrote about why in a post for Ravishly.

Screenshot of the Ravishly website, with an article titled "Why I Brought My Kids to a Political Protest" with a painting of The Lorax in front of the White House

Here’s the first few paragraphs:

“Anyone have tips for bringing a kid to a political protest?” one of my friends posted on Facebook.

It was around the March for Our Lives, and he was trying to make a decision many parents were facing. But almost every single response was negative. Several people implied he would be putting his child in danger. At the time, I was the lone voice of dissent. Trying to be encouraging, I responded, “As someone who actually did this, my kids were fine.”

But they were more than just fine. They were great.

Read the rest on Ravishly!


Exploring Memories of First Grade

Text: Exploring Memories of First Grade; Photo: Young white boy on monkey bars

“How was school today?” I asked my older son as we sat at the dinner table. He just looked at me. Trying a different tactic, I reframed the question, “What was the funniest thing that happened at school?” He just shrugged. Well, then.

While I’m always interested in what’s going on with my kids, this year is particularly intriguing to me. First grade is the first year that I have a lot of clear memories of my own childhood.

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