Science Communication

From dark matter to climate modeling, I tell stories of scientific research and discovery. In particular, I excel in taking challenging scientific concepts and making them engaging to non-scientists in a way that sparks wonder and understanding. My education is in both ecology and science communciation, while my experience spans a huge variety of scientific fields and areas of communciation. 

I am interested in projects where I can use my science communciation skills to increase access to scientific results, especially on climate change. Making it so more people can apply scientific knowledge and processes to solve problems in their communities is an important part of climate and environmental justice. 

I am also knowledgable about translating social science research into action. My environmental parenting advice book, Growing Sustainable Together, draws on psychology, sociology, urban planning, and communciations research. I keep up to date on the latest social science on climate communications and can help organizations who wish to amp up their behavior change efforts or attract more people to advocacy work.