In Defense of Adults Playing PokemonGo

In Defense of Adults who Play PokemonGo.jpg

Some people just hate fun. At least that’s the impression I get from all of the “I have better things to do than Pokemon” posts on social media. But these people are far sillier than the game they’re making fun of.

Play is a fundamental part of human life. It’s the most important for children, who are seriously suffering from a decline in the hours spent in play over the last few decades. But it’s essential for adults as well. In The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin reports that people who make time to have fun are 20 times happier than those who don’t. Play sparks creativity, provides relaxation, and perhaps most importantly, brings joy.

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Science Adventures: PokemonGo and Field Biologists Catching Wildlife

Science Adventures PokemonGo and Field Biology

This is a series I’m doing using everyday situations to help kids explore science – particularly ecology and biology – more in depth.

The opportunity
PokemonGo, which is massively popular, is based on the idea of capturing wild animals and fighting each other for “research.” As a trained ecologist, I call shenanigans on the scientific validity of this method. But this fun game can help spark conversations about how real wildlife biologists study animals, including trapping them.

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