What I’ve Been Reading This Week



Toad in drainage

Photo of the week: A toad we rescued from the drain outside our basement window. 

More late nights breastfeeding, more reading than ever. This week, I’m obsessed with how children learn, how cars affect how we structure society, and working moms.

Lego is sponsoring research? I’m usually against corporate-sponsored research, but saying that children should mainly learn through play until age 8 is pretty awesome.

Simplifying is one of my main goals of the year, so the idea of slow parenting is very appealing.

Scandanvian-style outdoor preschools are becoming more popular in the U.S. and U.K. Wish we could afford to send Sprout to one here!

Outside Magazine has been one of my favorite magazines for ages and they’re providing some excellent coverage of parenting in nature, including Richard Louv’s new book, raising brave girls, and (again!) why Sweden is awesome.

Joking with kids and engaging in pretend play encourages kids to be creative. Based on how Chris interacts with them, Sprout and Little Bird are going to be absurdly innovative.

9 Must Have Outdoor Toys to Keep Kids Engaged – so classic.

I love eating food from a variety of cultures, so it’s good to see that my love of curry could lead to Little Bird being less picky.

“I so often am shushing you, my firstborn, setting you aside to run to brother’s aid as he needs me for the umpteenth time. I barely get you anymore.” I’m seeing Sprout more than ever while I’m on maternity leave, but I’m really worried about this when I have to go back to work.

Amazing series of portraits of real working moms.

We’ve structured so much of our society around cars that it’s hard to see how it affects us on a daily basis. From how our children play to our everyday safety, it’s time to rethink their role.

The day-to-day work of serving others can be deeply unglamorous. Let’s do the dishes together anyway.

Gardening is good for both the earth and those tending it.

Good article to read before you visit pretty much any historical location in the South.

Van Jones, green jobs extraordinare, talks comics.

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